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Poster Painting 

Saturday, October 8, 2022 

7:30 am - 12 noon 


The RED BARN at Crestwood Lake





Paint your scariest, funniest , ghoulish or happiest Halloween scenes!

All preK - 8th grade children in Allendale are invited to attend.

Prizes for all age groups! 
Posters will be displayed in Downtown Allendale merchant's windows!

See the list of Halloween Poster Painting winners

Costume Parade
Monday,  October 31, 2022

Brookside Schoo

7pm - 9 pm

All Pre-K through 8th grade kids in Allendale are invited to come out and show off their costumes.  Great cash prizes and gold dollars. So take a break from “Trick or Treating” and show your stuff!!  Tell your parents to wear a costume with you for “Best Adult/Child!

Prizes for various categories awarded by the past presidents.
Come and join the fun !

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